Madonna Lactans, Unknown, Bruges
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Dear friends, I wanted to share about Our Lady of Milk, a title of the Blessed Virgin Mary that has been known to help families have children.
The title is related to the “Milk Grotto” in Bethlehem, where legend has it that Mary and Joseph stayed for some time during the time when, as per the biblical narrative in the Gospel of Matthew, Herod was looking for the infant Jesus to hurt Him. In this Grotto it is said some of Mary’s breastmilk fell on the floor, turning the stones white. According to Catholic News Agency, thousands of letters have been received at the Grotto of graces received from Our Lady of Milk. (Bandini)
I’ve also heard of a Shrine to Our Lady of Milk (in Spanish Nuestra Señora de la Leche) in St. Augustine, FL, USA.
My parish Good Shepherd Catholic in the Kendall suburb of Miami, FL also has a wonderful statue that anecdotally one family attributes to the conception of their children after a difficult time of not being able to have children. Submit Intention

The St. Augustine Shrine has published some wonderful prayers but if need be, don’t be afraid to pray simply to your compassionate and loving Mother Mary for help.
I can pray for you before the statue at my parish:
Bandini, Marinella, “Bethlehem’s ‘Milk Grotto’: A pilgrimage site of hope for families seeking miracles,” Catholic News Agency, https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/260975/bethlehem-s-milk-grotto-a-pilgrimage-site-of-hope-for-families-seeking-miracles. Accessed 19 Feb 2025